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Daggett, Dr Was Peters vet for the first 10 years of his life. Sold the business to Dr Etheridge Davidson, Orval Owner of bloodhounds in Unity Davies, Robertson Writer of the Deptford Trilogy. The first one was called "Fifth Business" Dawson, Smokey Cleaves Mills police dispatcher Delaney, Ann Poet in the caravan that Jim Gardener was in Dockery, Ezra Owned the field where Peter Bailey crashed his plane Dugan, Anthony F (Monster or Butch) State Police officer. Was the partner of Ralph McCausland Duplissey, Myrtle Historian that was convinced that Colson was the Illegitimate son of Albion Cooder


Elderly, Bill Killed a deer Elfman, Dr Hypothermia specialist Ellender, Tug Police Dispatcher Enders, John Worked at Haven Grammar School Eric Pomeranian dog in Dr Etheridge's vet surgery when the Dog owned by Mrs Perkins began to bark Estabrooke, Charlie Retired post office Etheridge, Dr Vet that looked after Peter and his shrinking cataract at the Augusta Veterinary Clinic


Fannin, Billy Owner of a little red wagon that killed Lester Morgan Fannin, Wendy Next door neighbour of Ruth McCausland Fenderson, Molly Niece of Beach Jernigan Fenderson, Sherry Friend of Bobbi Anderson, but cut off the friendship with a letter Finlay, Virgil Writer in a sci-fi magazine


Gabbons, Peter (Jingles) State trooper. Partner of Benton Rhodes. Murdered by Haven Gaines, Darla Has some marijuana hidden under her mattress. 17 years old and was sleeping with her boyfriend Gaines, Mr Father of Darla. Worked at Splendid shoes in Derry Gaines, Mrs Mother of Darla. Worked at Splendid shoes in Derry Gardener, James Eric (Jim or Gard) Ex Publisher and Teacher, and now a poet. Bobbi Anderson's Lover, and he was the one that Gave Peter (The Dog) to Bobbi. His books include "Grimoire" and one poem was "Leighton Street", dedicated to Bobbi Anderson. He is very much against nuclear power Gardener, Nora Wife of James Gardener. He shot her while drunk Garfield, Brian Western Writer. Bobbi Anderson has some of his books Garrick, Frank Owner of the farm before Bobbi Anderson purchased it. Nutty uncle of Bobbi Anderson Golden, Eddie At Hilly Browns 9th birthday party. Cut his leg on barbed wire and got 3 stitches Golden, John Helped in the search for David Brown Golden, Phil Got the Tommyknocker air supply in Haven going off the truck batteries Golden, Queenie Wife of Phil. Committed suicide Goohringer, Reverend Lester Did the service for Ruth McCausland Gorey, Edward Artist that was mentioned by Bobbi Anderson Goudge, Pauline Friend of Hazel McCready Greenleaf, Dr Hilly Brown's doctor in hospital Grey, Zane Writer. Bobbi Anderson has some of his books


Hampton, Hubert Western Writer. Bobbi Anderson has some of his books Haney, Elmer Husband of Iva. Bashed the 2 kids from her first marriage, but was then belted up Haney, Iva Second married name for Iva Jorgenson Harley, John Previous Haven Constable before Ruth McCausland Harley, Maggie Wife of John Harlingen, Abel Father of Moss. Killed by Moss in a hunting accident. He molested his 2 boys once Harlingen, Emory Brother of Moss Harlingen, Moss Poker buddy of Joe Paulson. Murdered father Abel in a hunting 'accident'. Owner of Big Ditch Construction company Harlingen, Mrs Wife of Abel. Her brother died and she went to visit the family, leaving her husband with her 2 sons. During this time her husband molested the 2 boys Hartley, Reverend Donald Methodist Minister in Ilium and Troy Haycox, Ernest Writer. Bobbi Anderson has some of his books Hillman, Ev Father of Marie Hillman, Marie Maiden name of Marie Brown. Daughter of Ev Hogan, Ray Writer. Bobbi Anderson has some of his books Howell, Robert Character in Buffalo Soldiers Hurd, Justin Neighbour of the Browns. Went crazy and plowed his crop under Hutchinson, Early Had an accident when chasing after Jim Gardner


Jacklin, Mary Friend of Eileen Pulsifer that lived in Haven. Grandmother of Tommy Jacklin, Tommy Went to get the car batteries for Haven, and came back almost dead. Seen Pennywise in Derry, Grandson of Mary Jernigan, Beach Ran the Haven Lunch Restaurant. Dismantled Justin Hurds 'earthquake' device Jernigan, Hump 14 year old son of Beach Jernigan, Stanley At Hilly Brown's 10th birthday party. Hilly stuck him with a pin during a game of pin the tail on the donkey Jernigan, Vern Possibly the real name of Hump. Owned an old Hearst and was doing it up Joceylen, Archie Writer. Bobbi Anderson has some of his books Jorgenson, Benny Husband of Iva. Died of a stroke Jorgenson, Bethie Daughter of Benny and Iva Jorgenson, Iva Wife of Benny. Remarried to become Iva Hannes Jorgenson, Richard Son of Benny and Iva


Kimball, Alice Lesbian. Teacher at the Haven Grammar School Klingerman, Dr University Lecturer Kroger, Randy German who owned Cooters Store


L'Amour, Louis Writer. Bobbi Anderson has some of his books Leandro, Georgina Mother of John Leandro, John Worked for the Bangor Daily news. Killed by a coke machine Lester, Dr Hilly Browns doctor in Derry Lindley, Christina 17 year old photographer that helped set up the projector


Mantell, Captain Airforce captain that flew too close to a UFO and died. It was actually a "Sun Dog" - a reflection of Venus on high clouds Marius, Richard Writer. Bobbi Anderson has some of his books Marshall, John Chief Justice. Ruth McCausland had one of his daughter's dolls McCardle, Patricia Organiser of the New England Poetry Caravan that Jim Gardener was touring with McCausland, Chip Sold Bobbi Anderson egg crates to hold batteries. Owns quite a number of chickens McCausland, Ralph Husband of Ruth. State trooper. Died of a brain tumour McCausland, Ruth Arlene Married name of Ruth Merrill. She was a lawyer that went on to become Haven town Constable. The great niece of Reverend Hartley. She was killed sending a message by destroying the town hall tower. Has a passion for toy dolls McCready, Delbert Father of Hazel. Got lost in the Big Injun woods in 1947 McCready, Hazel Good friend of Ruth McCausland. Daughter of Delbert McGee, Charlene Roberta. (Charlie) Although not mentioned by name, the Shop's Virginia installation was burned down by a child, and Charlie did this in Firestarter McKeen, Adley Helped with the search for David Brown McKeen, Christina Was going to go to the fireworks in Derry with Ruth McCausland Merrill, Holly Mother of Ruth Merrill, John Father of Ruth, husband of Holly. Died in 1962 Merrill, Ruth Arlene Daughter of Holly and John. Married to Ralph McCausland Montgomery, Ellis The town of Montgomery (Was a name of Haven) named after him when he died at Gettysburg Montgomery, Mrs Mother of Ellis. Did not agree to a change in name of Montgomery to Ilium Moon, Reverend Mentioned by Bobbi Anderson Moran, Lester Textbook salesman that has a steel plate in his head. Very interested in fires and died in the Haven fire Moran, Mr B His dog but Ruth McCausland when she was collecting for the cancer council Moss, Freeman Farmer. Gave Jim Gardener a ride to Bobbi's place Mudgett, Richard K F Writer. Bobbi Anderson has some of his books Mumphrey, ? Man who ran against Ruth McCausland for Haven Town Constable Father of John Mumphrey, John Son of the man who ran against Ruth McCausland for Haven Town Constable


Nash, Jay R Writer. Bobbi Anderson has some of his books Noyes, Mabel Worked at the Junque-a-Torium


Ochs, Phil Mentioned by Ron Cummings Ozzie Paulson's pet cat


Parker, Eddie Band member that gave Jim Gardener a ride back to town Paulson, Byron Only son of Joe and Rebecca Paulson, Joe Bobbi Anderson's Postman. He was cheating on his wife with Nancy Voss. He was the great nephew of Paul Clarendon Paulson, Rebecca Married to Joe. She killed him, but realised what she was doing at the last minute and tried to help, but died too Pennywise While Tommy Jacklin is in Derry he sees Pennywise while out buying batteries. Although he is not mentioned by name, we know that there are very few clowns that inhabit the sewers in Derry Perkins, Mrs Owner of Eric the Pomeranian dog. He bit her Perry, Fred Methodist Church deacon Peter Bobbi Anderson's beagle dog. He was a gift from Jim Gardener Peters, Buck Faked the voice of Ivy Ellander on the police radio Pulsifer, Eileen Friend of Georgina Leandor and Mary Jackiln


Ramsey, Dunstable Character in the Deptford Trilogy Reynault, Peter Bangor city news editor Rhodes, Benton State trooper. Partner of Peter Gabbons Richardson, ? FBI Agent that was shot by CIA agent Spacklin Richardson, Moose Saw Ruth McCausland on her way to blow up the tower Rideout, Andy Orono Police Officer Rutledge, Alvin Grandson of David. Went to Haven for the funeral of Ruth McCausland Rutledge, Dave Oldest man in Haven Ruvall, Ashley Boy that spoke to Ruth McCausland when she tried to escape Haven Ruvall, Claudette Mother of Ashley Ruvall, Luther Head selectman in Haven in 1901


Sargent, Pamela Ladies aid member Simard, Cora Midwife when Faith Clarendon had her baby, and was there when she was murdered Simard, Irwin Husband of Cora Skehan, Rosalie In the chase to kill Jim Gardiner Smith, John Teacher who went into a coma then awoke and tried to shoot Greg Stillson Spacklin, ? CIA agent who shot FBI agent Richardson Spruce, Bill Brother of Frank Spruce, Evelyn Wife of Bill. Had a heart attack Spruce, Frank Havens biggest dairy farmer Stampnell, Eddie Police officer from Derry Stevens, Wallace Jim Gardener and Ron Cummings argued about him Stillson, Greg US representative that was shot at by John Smith Summerfield, Joe In Haven at Ruth McCausland's funeral Symington, Jon Evard Poet in the Caravan that Jim Gardener was with. He won the Boston University Hawthorne Prize his poem "Harbour Dreams 1650-1980"


Tarkington, Jud Bumped into Hank Buck during the search for David Brown Thibault, Roscoe Nancy Vass's mail sorter correctly sorted a letter misaddressed to him Thurlow, Albion Lived a quarter mile away from the Cullum family Thurlow, Edwina Young girl that did not like playing with Ruth McCullum's dolls Thurlow, Norma Mother of Edwina Tierney, Jim Attorney General of Maine, on vacation Tillets, Madge Friend of Ruth McCausland Timms, Miss Haven town librarian 2 days a week Tommyknockers, The Strange creatures that built the ship that Bobbi Anderson found Torgeson, Andy Cleaves Mills state police officer Tremain, Alf Constable that helped look for the lost Del McCready in the woods Tremain, Bobby Boyfriend of Stephanie Colson Tremain, Casey Helped with the search for David Brown


Underhill, Mrs Hilly Brown's 3rd grade teacher