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Dennis Downing

1.388 Byte entfernt, 22:04, 4. Jan. 2010
erste Eingriffe
:''Aber sei gewarnt! Diese Welt bewegt sich weiter und dunkle Mächte versuchen, die Liebe und das Licht in diesem Land erlöschen zu lassen. Nur deine heldenhaften Bemühungen können es unter Umständen retten, aber vielleicht werden auch alle Welten zu einem trostlosen Ödland.''
:''Komme oft hierher zurück. Die "Territories" warten auf dich.''<ref>Text auf Rückseite des Covers.</ref> ==Inspiration==Dennis Downing über seine Inspiration: <ref>Die folgenden Texte sind entnommen aus [http://www.stephen-king.de/darktower/territories/dateien/The_Story_of_the_Territories.pdf der kompletten Geschichte der Territories] (auf Englisch als PDF-Datei).</ref>
Dennis Downing über seine Inspiration
{{cquote|Evidence is growing that there are an infinite number of realities stacked together like the pages of a never-ending book.|||Marcus Chown, ''The Universe Next Door''}}
::Dennis Downing - May 2003
===Die Songs=======Crossing Over 6:19====
[[Bild:Dennis Downing Crossing Over.jpg|66px|right]]''Gray sky. Gray mood. Gray soul. This is how you feel as you awake and face the day. Another day that is just like all of the others that have gone before. Wake up, go to work, come home, sleep, only to repeat the cycle an untold number of times.''
[http://www.stephen-king.de/darktower/territories/dateien/CrossingOverClip.mp3 Songausschnitt]<div style="clear:both>&nbsp;</div>====Gilead (city of love and light) 4:55====
[[Bild:Dennis Downing Gilead.jpg|66px|right]]
''A few days after arriving in the territories, you crest a densely wooded hill and, through a small clearing in the trees, spy a great walled city in the distance. You stand and stare, unable to believe your eyes, at the graceful spires those walls contain as they rise and disappear into the clouds above.''
[http://www.stephen-king.de/darktower/territories/dateien/GileadClip.mp3 Songausschnitt]<div style="clear:both>&nbsp;</div>====Along the Path of the Beam 5:54====
[[Bild:Dennis Downing Along the Path of the Beam.jpg|66px|right]]
''After your first night in Gilead, you awake to find that dozens upon dozens of notes, some written in the high speech of the very wealthy, some barely more than unintelligible scratchings, have been slid under your door. They all carry the same message: “''Follow The Beam. Save us all.''”''
[http://www.stephen-king.de/darktower/territories/dateien/AlongthePathoftheBeamClip.mp3 Songausschnitt]<div style="clear:both>&nbsp;</div>====Prophecy of the Oracle 4:05====
[[Bild:Dennis Downing Prophecy of the Oracle.jpg|66px|right]]
''Unexpectedly, your path through the forest opens up onto a small clearing where you find an unusual circle of stones. You pull up, just outside the circle, unsure how to proceed. As you stand, weighing your options, a strange force surrounds you. Against your will, you find yourself stepping into the circle.''
[http://www.stephen-king.de/darktower/territories/dateien/ProphecyoftheClip.mp3 Songausschnitt]<div style="clear:both>&nbsp;</div>====The Girl at the Window 5:00====
[[Bild:Dennis Downing The Girl at the Window.jpg|66px|right]]
''Nestled in the foothills, along the path of the beam, stands a small cottage. As you approach it, you notice the silhouette of a girl in the cottage’s lone front window. Intrigued, you decide to take a closer look.''
[http://www.stephen-king.de/darktower/territories/dateien/TheGirlattheWindowClip.mp3 Songausschnitt]<div style="clear:both>&nbsp;</div>====On the Shore of the Western Sea 4:34====
[[Bild:Dennis Downing On the Shore of the Western Sea.jpg|66px|right]]''Your mind is working furiously, recounting the events of the last few days. It’s all so incredible, the fact that you are here, wherever here truly is, and everything that has happened. In particular, you think about the girl (was it really a girl?) whom you just left. You are certain that you did the right thing in not accepting her invitation, but the fact is her cottage was warm and inviting, and you are cold, hungry, and lonely.''
[http://www.stephen-king.de/darktower/territories/dateien/OntheShoreoftheWesternSeaClip.mp3 Songausschnitt]<div style="clear:both>&nbsp;</div>====Reaping Fair 3:47====
[[Bild:Dennis Downing Reaping Fair.jpg|66px|right]]
''Eight days. Eight days of walking the lonely, wind-swept beach. Eight days with nothing but the sounds of the gulls, the waves, and your own breath. When you began your trek along the shore, you spoke aloud, remembering songs and poetry from your school days. But, after a while, the desolation became too much. The songs and speech stopped, both seeming hollow and empty. The ocean did not want to hear them, nor did the gulls.''
[http://www.stephen-king.de/darktower/territories/dateien/ReapingFairClip.mp3 Songausschnitt]<div style="clear:both>&nbsp;</div>====Thunderclap 5:57====
[[Bild:Dennis Downing Thunderclap.jpg|66px|right]]
''You awaken from a fitful night. Wiping the sleep out of your eyes, you get up and walk over to the window. After pulling back the curtains, you look out at the village that has been your home for the last seven sunsets. The village that has taken you in and made you welcome after your long, lonely trek along the beach. The streets are deserted, very unusual for this time of day. Something is different. Something is wrong.''
[http://www.stephen-king.de/darktower/territories/dateien/ThunderclapClip.mp3 Songausschnitt]<div style="clear:both>&nbsp;</div>====Ka Like a Wind 3:47====
[[Bild:Dennis Downing Ka Like a Wind.jpg|66px|right]]
''More than a little shaken by the knowledge that the Wolves were coming for you, you continue on. Your mind is confused, and your reason for being here in this strange world is muddled. The world which seemed exciting, offering you the adventure of a lifetime, has become worn and tattered around the edges.''
[http://www.stephen-king.de/darktower/territories/dateien/KaLikeaWindClip.mp3 Songausschnitt]<div style="clear:both>&nbsp;</div>====Court of the Crimson King 6:03====
[[Bild:Dennis Downing Court of the Crimson King.jpg|66px|right]]
''Ka…Ka…Ka. The word turns over and over in your mind. Is it true? Is it your destiny to save this world and its people? Or, is it your destiny simply to try and save this world and its people from the forces that wish to destroy it?''
[http://www.stephen-king.de/darktower/territories/dateien/CourtoftheCrimsonKingClip.mp3 Songausschnitt]<div style="clear:both>&nbsp;</div>====Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came 4:00====
[[Bild:Dennis Downing Childe Roland.jpg|66px|right]]
''As evening approaches, teetering on the edge between twilight and darkness, you crest a ridge. The sky overhead has lost all shades of blue, and is now a deep purple, the color of an old bruise. Squinting in the rapidly fading light, you see it; a field stretching for miles, climbing a gentle slope of land. Standing at the top of the slope, silhouetted against the setting sun, is the Dark Tower.''
[http://www.stephen-king.de/darktower/territories/dateien/ChildeRolandtotheDarkTowerCameClip.mp3 Songausschnitt]<div style="clear:both>&nbsp;</div> ==Weblinksund Anmerkungen==<references/>
* [http://dennisdowning.net Die Homepage von Dennis Downing]
* [http://www.bookola.de/catalog/ Die CD] auf [http://www.bookola.de www.bookola.de] zum Vorzugspreis von 13,50 €
* [http://www.stephen-king.de/darktower/territories/dateien/The_Story_of_the_Territories.pdf die komplette Geschichte der Territories] auf englisch als PDF-Datei
[[Kategorie:von King beeinflusstes Werk]][[Kategorie:Musikalbum]][[Kategorie:Musiker]]
