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Zeile 251: Zeile 251:
*[[Halliday]] = [[Soldat]]; agiert zusammen mit [[Dudley Chum]] in Kent, [[Ohio]]
*[[Mrs. Halliday|Halliday, Mrs.]] = Freundin von [[Carla Goldsmith]]
*[[Mrs. Halsey|Halsey, Mrs.]] = Nachbarin von [[Alice Underwood]]; leidet an [[Arthritis]]
*[[Cindy Hammer|Hammer, Cynthia ''Cindy'']] = Frau von Vic; Tochter von [[Billy Starkey]]
*[[Vic Hammer|Hammer, Vic]] = Projektleiter von [[Projekt Blau]]; begeht [[Selbstmord]]
*[[Shirley Hammett|Hammett, Shirley]] = im [[Harem gefangen]]
*[[Jack Hanson|Hanson, Jack]] = ein Freund von [[Fran Goldsmith]]
*[[Bill Hapscomb|Hapscomb, Bill]] = besitzt eine [[Haps Texaco-Tankstelle|Tankstelle]] nahe Arnette
*[[Mary Hapscomb|Hapscomb, Mary]] = Frau von Bill
*[[Abagail Hardesty|Hardesty, Abagail]] = Hochzeitsname von [[Abagail Freemantle]]
*[[Henry Hardesty|Hardesty, Henry]] = zweiter Mann von [[Abagail Freemantle]]
*[[Toby Harran|Harran, Toby]] = Kasinobesitzer
*[[Lloyd Henreid|Henreid, Lloyd]] = rechte Hand von [[Randall Flagg]]
*[[Mr. Henreid|Henreid, Mr.]] = Vater von Lloyd
*[[Rona Hewett|Hewett, Rona]] = hat die reguläre Grippe
*[[Ace High|High, Ace]] ([[Randall Flaggs Anhänger|'''L''']]) = gehört zu [[Randall Flagg]]
*[[Ace High|High, Ace]] ([[Randall Flaggs Anhänger|'''L''']]) = gehört zu [[Randall Flagg]]
*[[Angelina Hirschfield|Hirschfield, Angelina]] = Adoptivmutter von [[Daniel McCarthy]]
*[[Chip Hobart|Hobart, Chip]] = reist nach [[Boulder]], [[Colorado]]
Halliday, ? Worked in National Guard (?) with Dudley Chum in Ohio
*[[Bert Hodges|Hodges, Bert]] = Sohn von Ralph und Sally
Halliday, Mrs Sat with Carla Goldsmith when she was sick
*[[Cheryl Hodges|Hodges, Cheryl]] = Tochter von Ralph und Sally
Halsey, Mrs Lived in the same building as Alice Underwood. Suffered from Arthritis
*[[Eva Hodges|Hodges, Eva]] = Tochter von Ralph und Sally; scheinbar immun gegen die {{Grippe}}; wird auch [[Prinzessin]] genannt
Hammer, Cynthia (Cindy) Wife of Vic. Married name of Cynthia Starkey
*[[Raph Hodges|Hodges, Ralph]] = Mann von Sally
Hammer, Vic Involved in Project blue. Committed suicide. Son in law of Starkey
*[[Sally Hodges|Hodges, Sally]] = Frau von Ralph
Hammett, Shirley Freed by Stu Redman''s group after the group that held her captive attacked Stu''s group
*[[Vince Hogan|Hogan, Vince]] = Freund von [[Ray Booth]]; verprügelt [[Nick Andros]]
Hanson, Jack Friend of Fran Goldsmith
*[[Richard Hoggins|Hoggins, Richard]] = stirbt an Heroinüberdosis
Hapscomb, Bill Owned Hapscomb''s Texaco, near Arnette
*[[James Hogliss|Hogliss, James D.]] = [[Postbote]]
Hapscomb, Mary Wife of Bill
*[[Dr. Holmes|Holmes, Dr.]] = [[Arzt|Chiropraktiker]] von [[Alice Underwood]]
Hardesty, Abagail Married name of Abagail Freemantle
*[[Ruth Honiger|Honinger, Ruth]] = Freundin von [[Julie Lawry]]
Hardesty, Henry Second Husband of Abagail Freemantle. Killed by tractor
*[[Roy Hoopes|Hoopes, Roy]] = gehört zu [[Randall Flagg]]
Harran, Toby Owner of a casino where Arthur Stimpson died
*[[Whitney Horgan|Horgan, Whitney ''Whitey'']] = gehört zu [[Randall Flagg]]
Henreid, Lloyd Became Flagg's right hand man in Las Vegas. "Baby Faced Unrepentant Killer"
*[[Judy Horton|Horton, Judy]] = Frau von Waldo
Henreid, Mr Lloyd''s father
*[[Petie Horton|Horton, Petie]] = Sohn von Judy und Waldo
Hewett, Rona Has the regular flu
*[[Waldo Horton|Horton, Waldo]] = Mann von Judy
Hirschfield, Angelina Adopted mother of Daniel McCarthy
*[[Carl Hough|Hough, Carl]] = [[Pilot]] von [[Randall Flagg]]; überbringt diesem die Nachricht von [[Mülleimermann]]s [[Mülleimermanns Bombenanschlag|Bombenanschlag]]
Hobart, Chip In the free zone
*[[Jane Hovington|Hovington, Jane]] = Nachbarin von [[Larry Underwood]]
Hodges, Bert Child of Ralph and Sally
Hodges, Cheryl Child of Ralph and Sally
Hodges, Eva Child of Ralph and Sally
Hodges, Ralph Husband of Sally
Hodges, Sally Asked Lila Bruett to babysit her kids. Wife of Ralph
Hogan, Vince Friend of Ray Booth. Beat up Nick Andros
Hoggins, Richard Died of Heroin overdose
Hogliss, James D Put out the newspaper - "Durbin Call-Clarion"
Holmes, Dr Alice Underwood''s chiropractor for her back
Honinger, Ruth Friend of Julie Lawry
Hoopes, Roy Brought stepladder to Hector Drogan''s crucifixion
Horgan, Whitney (Whitey) Butcher on Flagg''s side
Horton, Judy Wife of Waldo Horton
Horton, Petie Son of Judy and Waldo
Horton, Waldo Husband of Judy
Hough, Carl Brought the news of the fire set by Trashcan Man to Lloyd Henreid. Ex marine and pilot
Hovington, Jane Lived next door to Larry Underwood

Version vom 18. Januar 2010, 19:57 Uhr

Burj Mus'taqbal (برج مستقبا)

Einzelprojekte Gemeinschaftsprojekte Verbesserungsvorschläge Überarbeitungsliste Löschanträge
Mr. Dodd
Labore E
Arena: Opfer



Eine Liste aller Charaktere aus Stephen Kings Roman Das letzte Gefecht.


Ohne Nachname

?, Al Ambushed Stu Redman's group ?, Anders Grandson of Abagail Freemantle. Killed in a hunting accident ?, Andrew Fran Goldsmiths uncle. Husband of Carlene ?, Andy Pilot on Flaggs side ?, Arlene Works at James Place - Poker parlor ?, Bonnie "Mother" of Daniel McCarthy ?, Carlene Fran Goldsmiths Aunt. Wife of Andrew ?, Cathy Relation of Abagail Freemantle. Wife of David ?, Chris Friend of Larry Underwood ?, Christopher Relation of Abagail Freemantle. Husband of Susy ?, Consuela Worked with Alice Underwood

?, Dale Uncle of Stu Redman ?, David Friend of Larry Underwood ?, David Relation of Abagail Freemantle. Husband of Cathy ?, Fred Father of Carla Goldsmith ?, Garvey Ambushed Stu Redmans group ?, George (Gorgeous George) Killed by Andrew Freeman and Lloyd Henreid ?, Herb Lover of Joline Majors ?, Jack Lover of Candy Jones ?, Jane Owner of James Place - poker parlor ?, Jim Husband of Molly ?, Julie Friend of Larry Underwood ?, Linda Relation of Abagail Freemantle ?, Manuel Bouncer in Whore house ?, Maria Friend of Larry Underwood. Oral Hygienist and one night stand ?, Mark Friend of Larry Underwood ?, Molly Great Granddaughter of Abagail Freemantle. Wife of Jim ?, Patty In school with Nadine Cross ?, Rachel Dr Tom Edmontons secretary ?, Rhoda Room mate of Debbie Smith ?, Roger On Flaggs side ?, Ronnie Ambushed Stu Redmans group ?, Ronnie Boyfriend of Julie Lawry ?, Ronnie Great Nephew of Abagail Freemantle ?, Samuel Last son of Abagail Freemantle to die ?, Sandy In school with Nadine Cross ?, Stephanie-Ann Cook on Flaggs side ?, Susy Relation of Abagail Freemantle. Wife of Christopher ?, Suzanne Name in Jail cell where Nick Andros was put ?, Vic Male Nurse ?, Victor Grandson of Abagail Freemantle ?, Virge Ambushed Stu Redmans group

Mit Nachname














Majors, Joline Friend of Lucy Swann Mann, Pop Owner of a general store in Nebraska Markham, Jon Sentenced to death Markson, Bill Shot in Shell Service station Marx, Buddy Friend of Larry Underwood Massingill, David In South Carolina Army Masters, Harry Worked with Pater Goldsmith Mathers, ? Hit Lloyd Henreid in groin in prison Mayo, Chuckie Cutest boy in school with Fran Goldsmith McCall, Johnny In "Tattered Remnants" band McCarthy, Daniel (Dinny) 4 year old boy on Flaggs side McCarthy, Perion Joined up with Stu Redmans group. Lover of Mark Braddock McCone, Gina Young girl who broke her leg. It was fixed by Dick Ellis McDougall, Bill Son of George McDougall, Danny Son of George McDougall, Frank Son of George McDougall, George Highschool teacher. Died of heart attack McDougall, George, Jr Son of George McDougall, Harriet Wife of George McDougall, Helen Daughter of George McDougall, Jeff Son of George McDougall, Marty Son of George McDougall, Patricia Daughter of George McDougall, Richard Son of George McDougall, Robert Son of George McDougall, Stan Son of George McFarlane, Allie Drug Dealer McFarlane, Erin D Uncle of Allie McGuire, Georgette Childhood friend of Fran Goldsmith Moffat, Rich Alcoholic in the free zone. Killed when the power turned back on Moran, Candice Died of fractured skull Morissette, Norm Picked on Trashcan Man as a kid Morton, Lieutenant Name that a soldier was screaming for - he wanted to kill him


Nason, Mrs Wife of Parker Nason Nason, Parker Elderly man in trailer park Naugler, ? Neighbour of Abagail Freemantle Nogotny, Stan Hypnotised Tom Cullen Norbutt, Mr Employed Tom Cullen Norris, Chad Head of Burial Committee in the Free Zone Norris, Edward M Police lieutenant in New York Norris, Hector Child of Edward and Trish Norris, Marsha Child of Edward and Trish Norris, Stanley Child of Edward and Trish Norris, Trish Wife of Edward Norton, Mr Owner of a drug store Nunn, Major Alfred US Army - Killed Roland Gibbs Nyarlahotep Name Glen Bateman used for Randall Flagg



Packalotte, DeeDee Ran off with Don Cullen Palfrey, George Brother of Vic Palfrey. Boyfriend of Norma Willis Palfrey, Mr Father of Victor and George Palfrey, Mrs Mother of Victor and George Palfrey, Victor Retired. Was at Hapscombs Texaco when Campion hit Palmer, Bob News anchor on WBZ-TV Pechert, Judge Local judge Pedersen, Dale Killed by Bomb set by Harold Lauder Peters, Sergeant T.L Shot Ray Flowers then his men shot him Petersen, Roger Master Tech Sergeant shot in Portland, Maine Petrella, Hugh Marshall in the Free Zone Philips, Albert US Army Colonel in charge in Ohio Phillips, Steve Lover of Julie Horton Prynne, Hester Mentioned by Fran Goldsmith Prynne, Mrs Friend of Carla Goldsmith