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210 Byte entfernt, 08:42, 20. Feb. 2010
*Bach Composer mentioned in passing, Johann Sebastian ('''R''') = Komponist*[[Daniel Barenhoim|Barenboim, Daniel Piano player]] = Klavierspieler*[[Mouse Baumann|Baumann, Mouse A large man who spoke to Bobby Dulac about Jacques Derrida. One of the ]] = Mitglied der ''[[Thunder Five who worked at Kingsland Ale. Helped ]]''; wird vom [[Höllenhund]] getötet; verrät [[Jack Sawyer with the investigation into the Murders by the Fisherman. He was bitten on the leg by the Devil-dog as they rode up to the Black House, and his body started to dissolve. Died of the injury]] das [[Passwörter|Zauberwort]] [[d'yamba]]*[[Mr. Baumann|Baumann, Mr Father of .]] = Vater von Mouse Baumann. Died ; starb in hospitaleinem [[Krankenhaus]] und löst dadurch eine Krankenhausphobie bei seinem Sohn ausBees Used by Jack Sawyer to get into the Black House, and to kill the Overseers*[[Bienen]] = töten die Aufseher der [[Große Kombination|Großen Kombination]]*[[Garland Bell|Bell, Garland One of 2 partners in ]] = [[Anwalt]] bei ''[[Bell & Holland, a local law firm]]''*[[Mr. Bell|Bell, Mr Father of .]] = Vater von Garland Bell. Started Bell & Holland law firm with Mr Holland*[[Bunny Berigan|Berigan, Bunny Musician requested by ]] = [[Charles Burnside at the Maxton Elder Care Facility Strawberry Fest dance]] mag seine Lieder*[[Carl Bierstone|Bierstone, Carl The real name of ]] = Geburtsname von [[Charles Burnside, that he used in Chicago. Evil man who was the South-Side monster while in Chicago, and now is the Fisherman in French Landing. Escaped custody after being convicted and sentenced to death in 1964. Killed by Tyler Marshall]]*[[Toots Billinger|Billinger, Toots Tried to get to Ed's Eats and Dawgs to see the investigation into the death of ]] = stört die Untersuchung beim Fund von [[Irma Freneau]]s Leiche*''[[Black Sabbath ]]'' ('''R''') = Heavy metal bandMetal-Band um Ozzie Osbourne*[[Jeffrey Black|Black, Jeffrey State police detective assigned to the murders in French Landing]] = hilft beim Fall des [[Fisherman]]*[[Blaine ]] = Monorail that committed suicideaus dem {{dt}}*Blake, William Poet read by ('''R''') = [[Beezer St Pierre]] liest die Bücher des Poeten*[[Bunny Boettcher|Boettcher, Bunny Son of ]] = Sohn von [[Tom Tom Boettcher]]*[[Hermie Boettcher|Boettcher, Hermie Resident at the ]] = Einwohner der [[Altenresidenz Maxton Elder Care Facility. Brother of ]]; Bruder von Tom Tom Boettcher. Retired geography teacher in room A17; ehemals [[Lehrer|Geographie-Lehrer]]*[[Tom Tom Boettcher|Boettcher, Tom Tom Resident at the ]] = Einwohner der [[Altenresidenz Maxton Elder Care Facility. Father of Bunny Boettcher and brother of ]]; Bruder von Hermie*[[Humphrey Bogart|Bogart, Humphrey Actor mentioned in passing]] ('''R''') = Schauspieler*[[Jane Bond|Bond, Jane Nurse in D ward at the ]] = [[Krankenschwester]] im ''[[French County Lutheran Hospital]]''*[[Boogeyman ]] = [[Ebbie Wexler is afraid of the ]] fürchtet sich vor dem Boogeyman*Boop, Betty Mentioned in passing= Zeichentrickfigur*[[Ray Bradbury|Bradbury, Ray Author mentioned in passing]] ('''R''') = Science-Fiction-Autor*[[Ted Brautigan|Brautigan, Ted Chief breaker]] = Chef der [[Brecher]]; auch in ''[[Atlantis]]'' und ''[[Der Turm]]''Breakers, The Worked for the Crimson King. They have been used to destroy 2 of the 6 Beams, and one has stopped due to natural causes, leaving just one left*[[Brecher]] = helfen dem [[Scharlachroten König]] die [[Balken]] des [[Dunklen Turm]]s zu zerstören*[[Fred Bogan|Brogan, Ferd Killed by Charles Burnside in Chicago]] = Opfer von [[Carl Bierstone]]*Brown, Clifford Musician listened to by ('''R''') = [[Jack Sawyer]] hört seine Musik*Brown, Leroy Mentioned in a song= Figur aus einem Lied*[[Perry Brown|Brown, Perry State police detective assigned to the murders in French Landing]] = [[Polizist|Staatspolizist]]*[[Sam Browne|Browne, Sam A Sam Browne belt was worn by ]] = Bobby Dulacträgt einen Sam-Browne-Gürtel*[[Yul Brynner|Brynner, Yul Bald actor]] ('''R''') = Schauspieler*[[William Buckley|Buckley, William F Jr Thought of by .]] = [[Dale Gilbertson]] denkt an ihn*[[Grace Budd|Budd, Grace Victim of ]] ('''R''') = Opfer von [[Albert Fish in Spring of ]] im Frühling [[1928]]*[[Mrs. Budd|Budd, Mrs Mother of Grace Bud. She received a letter from ]] ('''R''') = Mutter von Grace, die einen schrecklichen Brief von [[Albert Fish about the murder of her daughter]] bekommt*[[Glad Bumstead|Bumstead, Glad Wife of ]] = Frau von Richie Bumstead. Died at ; starb mit 31 years oldJahren*[[Richie Bumstead|Bumstead, Richie Friend of ]] = Freund von [[Myrtle Harrington. Husband of ]]; Witwer von Glad Bumstead*Bunch, John Singer listened to by ('''R''') = [[Henry Leyden]] hört seine Musik*Bundy, Ted Modern day murderer('''R''') = berühmter Mörder*Burnitz, Jeromy On a poster in Tyler Marshall= [[Baseballspieler]] der ''s Room. Played for the Milwaukee Brewers''; [[Tyler Marshall]] hat ein Poster von ihm*[[Althea Burnside|Burnside, Althea Supposed to have been an aunt of ]] = verschiedene Personen tragen diesen Namen:*[[Charles Burnside that is paying for his care at the Maxton Elder Care Facility. There seem to be no trace of her ]] gibt sie als Tante an, die regelmäßig seine Unterkunft in any recordsder [[Altenresidenz Maxton]] bezahltBurnside, Althea Owned a Diner :*besitzt ein Restaurant in Butternut. No relation of Charles BurnsideBurnside, Althea Black woman :*schwarze Frau in Milwaukee. No relation of *[[Charles Burnside|Burnside, Charles (Burney) In room D18 of the ]] = [[Fisherman]]; Einwohner der [[Altenresidenz Maxton Elder Care Facility]]*[[George W. Arrived in 1996 at the age of 78. Acts as if he has Alzheimer's disease, but it seem to go into remission at times and he is in good health. His real name is Carl Bierstone, but he changed his name when he escaped from Chicago in 1964. He is the Fisherman. Killed by Tyler MarshallBush|Bush, George W President of the United States.]] ('''R''') = [[US-Präsident]] 
Calloway, Cab Seen in a suit by Rebecca Vilas
