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Das Monstrum: Klappentexte

Keine Änderung der Größe, 12:43, 7. Jan. 2010
:of the Tommyknocker Man
:It begins with nothing more frightening than a [[Tommyknocker-Verse|nursery rhyme]]; yet in Stephen King's hands it becomes an unforgettable parable of dread, a threat from an unimaginable darkness that drags the pracitcal practical [[Einwohner von Haven|inhabitants]] of a New England village into a hell worse than their own most horrible nightmares ... and yours.
:It begins with a [[Schriftsteller|writer]] named [[Roberta Anderson]], looking for firewood in the [[Big Injun Woods|forest]] that stretched behind her [[Garrick-Hof|house]]. Bobbi stumbles over three inches of metal, which unususally heavy spring runoff has left sticking out of the soil. A logger's beer can, she thinks at first, but "the metal was as solid as mother-rock."
