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Diskussion:Die Arena

133 Byte hinzugefügt, 16:47, 27. Dez. 2009
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From the very beginning, I saw it as a chance to write about the serious ecological problems that we face in the world today. The fact is we all live under the dome. We have this little blue world that we've all seen from outer space, and it appears like that's about all there is. It's a natural allegorical situation, without whamming the reader over the head with it. I don't like books where everything stands for everything else. It works with ''[[Farm der Tiere|Animal Farm]]'': You can be a child and read it as a story about animals, but when you're older, you realize it's about communism, capitalism, fascism. That's the genius of Orwell. But I love the idea about isolating these people, addressing the questions that we face. We're a blue planet in a corner of the galaxy, and for all the satellites and probes and Hubble pictures, we haven't seen evidence of anyone else. There's nothing like ours. We have to conclude we're on our own, and we have to deal with it. We're under the dome. All of us.<ref>http://www.popmatters.com/pm/article/116440-self-proclaimed-lazy-author-stephen-king-releases-his-51st-novel/</ref><ref>http://newsbusters.org/blogs/carolyn-plocher/2009/11/13/stephen-kings-new-thriller-scares-readers-environmental-doom</ref>
<references/>[[Benutzer:Wörterschmied|Wörterschmied]] 15:11, 27. Dez. 2009 (CET):Hab es mal unter Wissenswertes mit rein. Was hältst du von dieser Variante? [[Benutzer:Croaton|Croaton]] 17:47, 27. Dez. 2009 (CET)
