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129 Byte hinzugefügt, 15:56, 8. Okt. 2008
L'Amour, Louis Writer. Bobbi Anderson has some of his books*[[Georgia Leandro|Leandro, Georgina Mother of John]] = Mutter von Johnny*[[Johnny Leandro|Leandro, John Worked for the ]] = Redakteur bei ''[[Bangor Daily news. Killed by a coke machineNews]]''; von einem [[Grenzwächter der Tommyknockers|fliegenden Cola-Automaten]]*[[Dr. Lester|Lester, Dr .]] = [[Hilly Browns doctor in Brown]]s [[Arzt|Doctor]] im [[DerryHome Hospital]]*[[Christina Lindley|Lindley, Christina ]] = 17 year old photographer that helped set up the projector-jährige Fotgrafin, die ein Bild für die [[Hologramm-Maschine]] sucht 
Mantell, Captain Airforce captain that flew too close to a UFO and died. It was actually a "Sun Dog" - a reflection of Venus on high clouds
