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Das Schwarze Haus: Klappentexte

2 Byte entfernt, 16:43, 4. Mär. 2016
[Bot] Stadt -> Ort
;Taschenbuchausgabe (Harper Collins)
:Abandoned by his friends as they cycle through the [[Wisconsin]] [[StadtOrt|town]] of [[French Landing]], ten-year-old [[Tyler Marshall|Ty Marshall]] spots a [[Gorg|crow]] hopping towards him down the sidewalk. Then it calls his name. Fascinated, Ty gets off his bike for a closer look - and is dragged into the shadows.
:Is Ty destined to become the fourth [[Opfer des Fisherman|victim]] of the [[Fisherman]], the serial killer who's stalking this sleepy town? If so, only [[Polizist|ex-detective]] [[Jack Sawyer]] may be able to save him. Jack left his old life behind precisely to avoid such madness, but lately he's been visited by strange [[Auge|nightmares and visions]]. Could the doomed past he thought he'd escaped forever be reaching out for him ... from the [[Black House]]?
