News:01 04 2004 Susannah
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April - 2004 |
Hier die einzelnen Kapitel in englisch:
- 1st Stanza: Beamquake
- 2nd Stanza: The Persistence of Magic
- 3rd Stanza: Trudy and Mia
- 4th Stanza: Susannah‘s Dogan
- 5th Stanza: The Turtle
- 6th Stanza: The Castle Integral
- 7th Stanza: The Ambush
- 8th Stanza: A Game of Toss
- 9th Stanza: Eddie Bites His Tongue
- 10th Stanza: Susannah-Mio, Divided Girl of Mine
- 11th Stanza: The Writer
- 12th Stanza: Jake and Callahan
- 13th Stanza: “Hile, Mia, Hile, Mother”
- Coda: Pages from a Writer‘s Journal
- Wordslinger‘s Note
Dank an Sven K für die Kapitel