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Cujo (Hörbuch)

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Originaltitel Cujo
Herausgabe (orig.) 2010
Verlag (orig.) Penguin Audio
Länge ca. 14 Stunden
Anzahl CDs 12
Leser (Original) Lorna Raver
ISBN 978-0-14-242785-9
Englische Hörbücher
Deutsche Hörbücher

Cujo, das Original-Hörbuch zu Stephen Kings gleichnamigem Roman, wurde 2010 von Lorna Raver vertont.


  • Raver ist eine Koryphäe im Hörbuch-Bereich: Sie wurde bereits zur "Stimme des Jahres" gewählt und hat mehrere Auszeichnungen (unter anderem den Audie Award) gewinnen können.
  • Wie auch die Vorlage ist das Hörbuch nicht in Kapitel unterteilt; unten wird deshalb zur Orientierung der erste Satz des Tracks angegeben.

Aufbau des Hörbuchs

CD Tracks Name des Kapitels
1 1 Widmung - "... in the summer of 1980."
" 2 "Tad Trenton, four years old, ..."
" 3 "Perhaps his father caught his thoughts ..."
" 4 " 'And you gave him his teddy-bear ...' "
" 5 "The ash of her cigarette fell on the shoulder of ..."
" 6 "Then the boy came back and ruffled the dog's hair ..."
" 7 "Just three days after George Mearas bellowed conversation ..."
" 8 "It had happened to other small animals in the past ..."
" 9 "Seven days later and 30 miles from ..."
" 10 "Three weeks after that happened, Roger had broken down ..."
" 11 "For the prepared cakes - 16 different varieties - there was ..."
" 12 "When Vic and Roger decided to go their own way ..."
2 1 " 'So, what do you think?' Roger repeated."
" 2 "Gary Pervier sat out on his reedy front lawn at the bottom ..."
" 3 "The grateful town selectman had remanded the property taxes ..."
" 4 "Then he could lie here as he was now ..."
" 5 " 'Now, what for?' he asked."
" 6 " 'Get out, Steve. I'm not going to tell you again.' "
" 7 "She could count her life's close friends on the fingers of ..."
" 8 "Charity Camber sat on the double bed she shared with ..."
" 9 "She supposed that sooner or later Brett would go with them ..."
" 10 "To be that old, less than 700 days shy of 40, terrified him."
" 11 "That was enough. A meal is as good as a feast ..."
" 12 "Now, things had loosened up, it seemed."
3 1 "Later, as dusk settled down and the heat ..."
" 2 "His solution had been the monster catechism ..."
" 3 "At half past seven, as Steve Kemp was thinking tennis ..."
" 4 " 'What would wholesale be, I wonder ...' "
" 5 "Nonetheless, Sharp stock had tumbled sharply ..."
" 6 "The man was gone somewhere."
" 7 "Joe Magruder and Ronnie DuBay got the chainfall ..."
" 8 "Vic spent most of that afternoon before the long weekend"
" 9 "A new thought crossed his mind. What if ..."
" 10 "Then he would think of the man's penis, his cock ..."
4 1 " 'What the Christ is that?' Joe Camber asked."
" 2 "She clutched her hands together in a hot, twisting fury ..."
" 3 "He got up in a hurry, then."
" 4 " He knows, Donna was thinking."
" 5 " 'I don't know if I can explain. I'm afraid it will sound ... ' "
" 6 " 'And what a woman does, what I did, was ... ' "
" 7 "As for Joe Camber himself, he was sitting ..."
" 8 " 'Wouldn't be very much fun alone.' "
" 9 "And then, the growling began."
" 10 "The alarm burred Vic awake at quarter to five."
" 11 " 'Will you be able to get all of your stuff and all of ... ' "
5 1 "Joe Camber pulled up in front of the Greyhound terminal ..."
" 2 " 'I guess I do, daddy,' Brett said."
" 3 "It had been twenty years since he had seen a rabid dog."
" 4 "Gary kicked at the dog. Cujo fainted the other ..."
" 5 "What exactly is there going to be for him? she asked herself ..."
" 6 "The stewardess came be. He and Roger were riding ..."
" 7 "Joe Camber looked at the patch of garage floor ..."
" 8 "Donovan had been delighted, and the two of them had ..."
" 9 "Tad Trenton was in his room at mid-morning, playing with ..."
" 10 "Still, he was tired of the game. He put the trucks ..."
" 11 "He thought he heard a sound behind him and he ..."
6 1 " 'Hey, kiddo, you wanna come grocery shopping with me ...' "
" 2 "She had almost had a heart-attack last December when Tad ..."
" 3 "At last, she looked up, her face puffy."
" 4 " 'Couldn't Joe Camber get you in today?' "
" 5 "Charity Camber stepped down from the Greyhound bus at ..."
" 6 "Then the boy was gone and there was a grayness."
" 7 "She opened her mouth to tell him, quite firmly and ..."
" 8 "The sun still shone brightly down and there was a ..."
" 9 "The driveway was a little beyond the house."
" 10 "Cujo came out of Joe Camber's garage."
" 11 "Something warm was running across the backs of her hands."
7 1 "A dirty brick building in Cambridge housed ..."
" 2 " 'I've got an idea,' Vic said quietly.' "
" 3 "At long last, Vic saw that scared, vague expression go ..."
" 4 " 'Mommy, aren't we going?' "
" 5 "Coming back had been like this. As if you ..."
" 6 "That made her remember that she had packed them some food ..."
" 7 "Joe Camber looked like Vic in a clean ..."
" 8 " 'And that little kid, Jimmy, he's got ...' "
" 9 "In her dream, Vic had come."
" 10 "No. He would have gotten his gun or ..."
" 11 "Vic jerked awake in total darkness ..."
" 12 "The first part of the dream had been rather pleasant."
8 1 "Charity Camber awoke that Tuesday morning ..."
" 2 "Brett opened the cupboards one by one ..."
" 3 "It was hot. Donna uncranked her window ..."
" 4 "That had been the first time she had really believed ..."
" 5 "Jerry Garcia's voice, easy but somehow weary ..."
" 6 " 'Tell me what you really think,' Vic said to Rob ... ' "
" 7 "Aunt Evvie Chalmers's death that last spring had hit ..."
" 8 "Steve got to the Trenton house at just ..."
" 9 "He went into the kitchen by way of the small ..."
" 10 "But there was no one in the yard or in the driveway ..."
9 1 "By three thirty that Tuesday afternoon Donna had given up ..."
" 2 "Crazy thing to have to be thinking but the entire ..."
" 3 "The moment passed. Cujo got to his feet very slowly ..."
" 4 "She watched, half amused and half appalled, as ..."
" 5 "The sun had finally gone down behind the house."
" 6 "That had amused her so much that she had eventually ..."
" 7 "Her breathing and heart rate had speeded up."
" 8 "Better to wait. Wait for a better chance."
" 9 "In Boston, an operator asked Vic Trenton ..."
" 10 "Vic only shook his head but a part of him was ..."
" 11 " 'Don't be a junk, Trenton, they might ...' "
" 12 "She thought crazily of the drain backing up just ..."
10 1 "Holly told her sister not to be foolish ..."
" 2 " 'Oh.' Brett was looking at her in a speculative ..."
" 3 "A falling-out doesn't preclude a later ..."
" 4 " 'Call the Sheriff's office,' Roger said promptly."
" 5 "Since then, nothing in that situation had changed."
" 6 "Roscoe popped on his headlights and cruised..."
" 7 "When the telephone rang, Vic and Roger were both up ..."
" 8 "He held the phone in his right hand."
" 9 "He was an actor and this was some kind of crazy ..."
" 10 "She was afraid that if she told Holly that ..."
" 11 "Suddenly, Tad was struggling to catch his breath ..."
11 1 "Vic got home at twenty past five."
" 2 " 'Maybe ... maybe he had a confederate ...' "
" 3 " 'I took a shot and called them. Got lucky.' "
" 4 "Charity Camber had her morning coffee and then ..."
" 5 "Andy had been the star of the family but his mother ..."
" 6 "Andy Mason found that extremely ominous news."
" 7 "The one thing George Bannerman had been least prepared ..."
" 8 "This woman was a ruin. The dog had been at her, as well."
" 9 "At last, Tad quieted. His eyes had closed again, his ..."
" 10 "Now Donna and Tad had disappeared. Vic had disappeared."
" 11 " 'Fuck his right to remain silent,' Vic growled."
" 12 "A little scream escaped his throat. The chair tipped ..."
" 13 "But that was stupid, wasn't it? Mason had sent ..."
12 1 "Vic turned off the Maple Sugar Road and onto ..."
" 2 "For the last time, the dying ruin that had been ..."
" 3 "He left her and went to the car. She stood where ..."
" 4 "The ambulance driver and the two orderlies loaded ..."
" 5 " 'When did he die? Did it really happen, at all? ...' "
" 6 "Holly watched her sister's face go white, listened ..."
" 7 "Rabid Dog Kills Four in Bizarre Three-Day Reign ..."
" 8 "He could have reminded her that she'd had Tad's ..."
" 9 "She had landed a decent job in the packing and ..."
V E Artikel über Cujo
[Ausklappen]RomanFilmOriginal-HörbuchRomanauszugInhaltsangabe (Teil I, Teil II) • Rezension (Roman)Rezension (Film)Klappentexte • Coverpage
Charaktere: George BannermanRoger BreakstoneJoe CamberBrett CamberCharity CamberCujoRoscoe FisherSteve KempAndy MasenGeorge MearaGary PervierRustyAlva ThorntonDonna TrentonTad TrentonVictor Trenton

Schauplätze: Castle RockTown Road Nummer 3

Sonstiges: Ad WorxCastle-Rock-ZyklusTierhorrorWorte an die UngeheuerIsolation1983