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54 Byte entfernt, 15:30, 18. Feb. 2010
Ohne Nachname
==Ohne Nachname==
*311 = US-Crossover-Band mentioned in passing?, *[[Kimberley Mentioned by a man that ]] = wird von einem Mann erwähnt, den [[Jack Sawyer rang]] versehentlich anruft?, *[[Madge Elderly woman that lived on ]] = ältere Frau aus dem [[Maid Marian Way. Tried to get to Ed's Eats and Dawgs to see the investigation into the death of ]], welche die Leiche von [[Irma Freneau with her husband]] sehen will?, *[[Troy und Maryann Name on some graffiti on a sign at KDCU-FM and Ed's Eats and Dawgs|Maryann]] = Freundin von Troy?, Rico Character in a movie mentioned by Charles Burnside?, *[[Sophie Mentioned by ]], die Gute = [[Twinner]] von [[Judy Marshall]]; [[Jack Sawyer]] verliebt sich in sie?, *[[Stella Character in the movie "]] = Charakter aus ''[[Execution Express"?, Troy Name on some graffiti on a sign at KDCU-FM and Ed]]'s Eats and Dawgs', ein Film mit [[Lily Cavanaugh]]*[[Troy und Maryann|Troy]] = Freund von Troy
==Mit Nachname==
