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8.315 Byte entfernt, 09:32, 26. Mai 2021
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|Bild=Regulator Hörbuch
|OT=The Regulators
|LEN=9 Stunden
|OL=Kate Nelligan
|VO=Penguin Audio
|HO=März [[2009]]
Das Original-[[Hörbuch]] zu [[Richard Bachman]]s Roman ''[[Regulator]]'' ist eine Besonderheit insofern, als es die (bislang) einzige Vertonung eines [[Stephen King|King]]-Romans ist, die ausdrücklich als "gekürzt" vermarktet wird.
==King und Kürzungen==
*Bei den Hörbüchern zu ''[[Desperation]]'' <ref>siehe auch [[Desperation (Hörbuch)]]</ref> und zu ''[[Der Fluch|Thinner]]'' <ref>siehe auch [[Thinner (Hörbuch): Rezension]]</ref> liegen ebenfalls Kürzungen vor, die jedoch nicht als solche ausgewiesen sind.
*Üblicherweise autorisiert King solche Kürzungen nicht und bezeichnet sie als "das Allerletzte". <ref>siehe auch [[Stephen King (Hörbücher)]]</ref>
==Die Kürzungen in ''The Regulators''==
Die Kürzungen sind von Eve Beglarian vorgenommen, die immer wieder an King-Hörbüchern mitarbeitet (wie auch hier: Produktion und/oder Musik) und die diese so vornahm, dass sie tatsächlich das Verständnis des Textes nicht behindern.
Einerseits sind die Kürzungen unabdingbar – die für den Roman charakteristischen Einschübe (siehe auch [[Regulator: Einschübe]] und [[Regulator: Inhaltsangabe (Teil I)|Regulator: Inhaltsangabe]]) bestehen teilweise aus (Kinder-)Zeichnungen, deren Umsetzung in Worte wohl eher albern gewirkt hätte. Zum anderen finden sich aber auch enorme Kürzungen von Textpassagen.
===Die Einschübe===
Hier ein Überblick über die Vorgehensweise bei den verschiedenen Einschüben:
{|aligne=center border="1"
!Art des Einschubs
!Auf dem Hörbuch
|Postkarte von [[William Garin]]
|Zeitungsbericht von der Ermordung der [[Familie Garin]]
|Kritik des Westerns ''[[Die Regulatoren]]''
|Bericht über den Verkauf der Marke [[MotoKops 2200]]
|Brief von [[Audrey Wyler]] an [[Janice Conroy]]
|Auszug aus Originaldrehbuch zu ''MotoKops 2200''
|Zeichnung von [[Seth Garin]]
|Auszug aus Audrey Wylers Tagebuch
|Auszug aus Originaldrehbuch zu ''Die Regulatoren''
|Auszug aus Audrey Wylers Tagebuch
|[[Allen Symes]]' erst nach seinem Tod zu öffnender Brief
|Auszüge aus Audrey Wylers Tagebuch
|<center>(in Arbeit)</center>
|Brief von [[Patricia Allen]] an [[Katherine Goodlowe|Katherine Anne Goodlow]] (inkl. Kinderzeichnung)
===Der Text===
Als Beispiel für den Umgang mit dem Originaltext hier der Anfang von Kapitel 9 <ref>zu einer [[Regulator: Inhaltsangabe (Teil II)#Kapitel 9|Inhaltsangabe des Kapitels 9]]</ref>, links das Original, rechts die Kürzung (kursive Passagen wurden eingefügt oder abgeändert):
{|aligne=center border="1"
!Gekürzte Fassung
|There was no need for [[Steve Ames|Steve]] and [[Collie Entragian|Collie]] to hop the fence at the far end of [[Tom Billingsley|Doc's]] yard; there was a gate, although they had to tear out a fair amount of well-entrenched ivy before they could use it. They exchanged words only twice before reaching the path. The first time it was Steve who spoke. He looked around at the trees - scrubby, weedy-looking things, for the most part, now mysterious with the rustle of rainwater dripping off the leaves - and then asked: 'Are these poplars?'<br>
Collie, who had been working his way around a particularly vicious clump of thornbushes, looked back at him. 'Say what?'<br>
'I asked if these trees are poplars. Since [[Poplar Street]] is where we came from, I just wondered.'<br>
'Oh.' Collie looked around doubtfully, swapping the .30-.06 from one hand to the other and then running an arm across his forehead. It was very hot in the greenbelt. 'I don't know if they're poplars or pines or goddam eucalyptuses, to tell you the truth. Botany was never my thing. That one over there is a skinny-ass birch, and that's about all I know on the subject.' With that, he started off again. <br>
Five minutes later (Steve wondering by now if there really was a path back here, or only wishful thinking), Collie stopped. He looked back past Steve, his eyes so intense that Steve turned himself to see what he was looking at. He saw nothing but the tangled greenery through which they had already made their way. No sign of Old Doc's house; the [[Peter Jackson|Jacksons']], either. He could see a tiny wedge of red that he thought might be the chimney atop the [[Familie Carver|Carver]] house, but that was all. They almost could have been a hundred miles from the nearest human habitation. Thinking that - and realizing it was a true thought - gave Steve a chill. <br>
'What?' he asked, thinking the cop would ask him why they couldn't hear any cars, not even some kid's glasspack-equipped low-rider, or a single bass-powered sound-system, or a motorcycle, or a horn, or a shout, or anything. <br>
Instead, Collie said: 'We're losing the light.'<br>
'We can't be. It's only - ' Steve looked at his watch, but it had stopped. The battery had given out, probably; he'd never replaced it since his sister had given it to him for Christmas a couple of years ago. It was odd, though, that it should have stopped just past four o'clock, which had to be not long after the time he had first wheeled into this marvellous little neighborhood. <br>
'Only what?'<br>
'I can't say exactly, my watch has stopped, but just think about it. It can't be much more than five-thirty, five forty-five. Maybe even earlier. Don't they say you overestimate elapsed time when you're in a crisis situation?'<br>
'I don't even know who 'they' are, never have,' Collie said. 'But look at the light. The quality of the light.'<br>
Steve did, and yes, the cop had a point. Steve didn't like to admit it, but he did. The light slanted through the tangle (and that was the proper word for it, not greenbelt) in hot red shafts. Red sun at night, sailor's delight, he thought, and suddenly, as if that was a trigger, it all tried to crash in on him, all the things that were wrong, and he couldn't stand it. He raised his hands and clapped them over his eyes, whacking himself a damned good one on the side of the head with the butt of the .22 he was carrying, feeling his bladder go loose, knowing he was close to watering his underwear and not caring. He staggered backward and - from a distance, it seemed - heard Collie Entragian asking if he was okay. With what felt like the greatest effort of his life, Steve said that he was and forced himself to lower his hands, to look into that delirious red light again.
|Five minutes ''into the greenbelt'' Collie stopped. He looked past Steve, his eyes so intense that Steve ''himself turned'' to see what he was looking at. He saw nothing but tangled greenery. They could have been a hundred miles from the nearest human habitation.<br>
'What?' he asked. <br>
Collie said: 'We're losing the light.'<br>
'We can't be. It's only - ' Steve looked at his watch, but it had stopped. 'It can't be much more than five-thirty, five forty-five. Don't they say you overestimate elapsed time when you're in a crisis?'<br>
'I don't even know who 'they' are, never have,' Collie said. 'But look at the light.'<br>
''It'' slanted through the tangle in hot red shafts. Red sun at night, sailor's delight, ''Steve'' thought, and suddenly, as if that was a trigger, it all tried to crash in on him, all the things that were wrong.
Durch die Kürzungen fallen auch einige der [[Regulator/Charaktere|Charaktere]] in der Audiobuch-Fassung unter den Tisch, so etwa [[Roxanne Calabrese]] oder [[John Kleist]].
==Weiterführende Links==
::([[Vorlage:Croaton/Croaton-Aktuell|In Arbeit]])
