

1.852 Byte hinzugefügt, 16:44, 21. Sep. 2016
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Thank you, as always, for your continuing support!--stoppoker 02:13, 8. Jun. 2016 (CEST)
Produktions-Update von Cemetery Dance per e-mail:
"In addition, thanks to collector Jon Page’s amazing discovery back in June of an early draft of THE SHINING manuscript called THE SHINE, we will also be including a bonus section in this volume that highlights the HUNDREDS of sentences, paragraphs, and even scenes not included in the final book we all know and love. Of particular interest is a four page section toward the end known as “After the Play,” which even Stephen King believed had been lost forever because he didn’t have a copy in his archives.
Including this incredible material added more time to production than we expected because additional special order paper stock needed to be ordered from the mill due to the 60 pages the new material added to the book, but our printer is pleased to report the paper has arrived and they are ready to roll.
Now that they have the paper, we will be receiving a dummy book next week. A dummy book is a BLANK version of the book that is the exact same size as the final book will be. We need this dummy book to start the slipcase and traycase production, so the slipcases and traycases can be the proper size to fit the books.
So, if all goes well, the slipcases and traycases will start into production next month!
We apologize for the delay, but we think the bonus material will be more than worth it, and we’ll send another production update when we have news to share.
Thank you, as always, for your continuing support!
Cemetery Dance Publications"
Damit wird sich die Veröffentlichung im Oktober wohl verzögern aber wenn noch mehr an Seiten im Buch erscheint, ich glaube da haben wir alle nichts dagegen *grins* Ich werde mal Heyne anschreiben ob schon Pläne dazu bestehen die erweiterten Passagen auf deutsch zu veröffentlichen! --stoppoker 18:44, 21. Sep. 2016 (CEST)