:A modern classic, ''Carrie'' introduced a distinctive new voice in American fiction - Stephen King. The story of misunderstood high school girl Carrie White, her extraordinary telekinetic powers, and her violent rampage of revenge remains one of the most barrier-breaking and shocking novels of all time. Make a date with terror - and live the nightmare that is Carrie.
;Omnibusedition (mit ::''[[Shining|'Hauptartikel:''The Shining''']]'' und ''[[Sie|'''Misery'''Three Novels in One Volume]]'')
:Unknown to the other inhabitants of her quiet New England [[Chamberlain|home town]], Carrie White possesses an extraordinary and dangerous gift. One night she decides to exercise her power, exacting a horrific revenge on those who have mocked and humiliated her. The resulting destruction is stunning and macabre - a ghastly vision of hell on earth.