*[[Peter Gabbons|Gabbons, Peter (''Jingles) '']] = [[Polizist|State trooper. Trooper]] aus [[Derry]]; Partner of von [[Benton Rhodes. Murdered by Haven]]*[[Darla Gaines|Gaines, Darla Has some marijuana hidden under her mattress. 17 years old and was sleeping with her boyfriend]] = das [[Jesusbild]] verrät [[Rebecca Paulson]] Geheimnisse über sie*[[Gaines, Mr Father of Darla. Worked at |Mr. Gaines]] = Vater von Darla; arbeitet bei [[Splendid shoes Shoes]] in [[Derry]]*[[Mrs. Gaines|Gaines, Mrs Mother of Darla. Worked at ]] = Mutter von Darla; arbeitet bei [[Splendid shoes Shoes]] in [[Derry]]*[[Jim Gardener|Gardener, James Eric (Jim or ''Gard) Ex Publisher and Teacher, and now a poet. Bobbi Anderson's Lover, and he was the one that Gave Peter (The Dog) to Bobbi. His books include "Grimoire" and one poem was "Leighton Street", dedicated to ']] = Freund von [[Bobbi Anderson. He is very much against nuclear power]]; [[Schriftsteller]] mit [[Alkoholproblematik|Alkoholproblemen]]*[[Nora Gardener|Gardener, Nora Wife of James Gardener. He shot her while drunkGarfield]] = Ex-Frau von Jim, Brian Western Writer. Bobbi Anderson has some of his booksder sie betrunken angeschossen hat*[[Frank Garrick|Garrick, Frank Owner of the farm before Bobbi Anderson purchased it. Nutty uncle of ]] = verrückter Onkel von [[Bobbi Anderson]], der ihr seinen [[Garrick-Hof|Hof]] vermacht*[[Familie Golden]]**[[Eddie Golden|Golden, Eddie At ]] = Freund von [[Hilly Browns 9th birthday party. Cut his leg on barbed wire and got 3 stitchesBrown]]**[[John Golden|Golden, John Helped in the search for ]] = hilft bei der Suche nach [[David Brown]]**[[Phil Golden|Golden, Phil Got the Tommyknocker air supply in Haven going off the truck batteries]] = schließt den [[Luftgenerator]] von [[Hazel McCready]] an**[[Queenie Golden|Golden, Queenie Wife of ]] = Frau von Phil. Committed suicide; begeht im Epilog [[Selbstmord]]*[[Lester Goohringer|Goohringer, Reverend Lester Did the service for ]] = [[Geistliche|Reverend]], der die Beerdigung von [[Ruth McCausland]] leitetGorey, Edward Artist that was mentioned by Bobbi Anderson*[[Pauline Goudge|Goudge, Pauline Friend of ]] = Freundin von [[Hazel McCready]]*[[Dr. Greenleaf|Greenleaf, Dr .]] = [[Hilly Brown']]s doctor in hospital[[Arzt|Doktor]] im [[Derry Home Hospital]]Grey, Zane Writer. Bobbi Anderson has some of his books
Hampton, Hubert Western Writer. Bobbi Anderson has some of his books