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82 Byte hinzugefügt, 21:46, 1. Jun. 2008
+ A Very Tight Place
*[[Sword in the Darkness]] = Harding: It is sprawled along the verge of the lake like a string of dirty pearls made clean with the dawn.
*[[The Thing at the Bottom of the Well]] = Oglethorpe Crater was an ugly, mean little wretch.
*[[A Very Tight Place]] = Curtis Johnson rode his bike five miles every morning.
*[[Weeds]] = Jordy Verrill’s place was out on Bluebird Creek, and he was alone when the meteor traced low fire across the sky and hit on the creek’s east bank.
*[[Willa]] = You don’t see what’s right in front of your eyes, she’d said, but sometimes he did.
*[[Wimsey]] = “The rain’s beastly, isn’t it?” Lord Peter Wimsey said drearily, looking out the window to his right.