
Benutzer Diskussion:Croaton

134 Byte hinzugefügt, 19:28, 3. Feb. 2008
{{cquote|It is said that the 'lawn jockey' actually has its roots in the tale of one Jocko Graves, an African-American boy who served with General George Washington at the time that he crossed the Delaware to carry out his surprise attack on British forces at Trenton, NJ. The General thought him too young to take along on such a dangerous attack, so left him on the Pennsylvania side to tend to the horses and to keep a light on the bank for their return. So the story goes, the boy, faithful to his post and his orders, froze to death on the river bank during the night, the lantern still in his hand. The General was so much moved by the boy's devotion to his duty that he had a statue sculpted and cast of him, holding the lantern, and had it installed at his Mount Vernon estate. He called the sculpture "The Faithful Groomsmen".|||englische Wikipedia}}
::Frage ist nur, wie man das übersetzt, da es an sich nur in den USA vorkommt. Gruß, [[Benutzer:Wörterschmied|Wörterschmied]] 15:55, 3. Feb. 2008 (CET)
:::Danke für die tolle Detektivarbeit, Wörterschmied! Wieder was gelernt! ;) [[Benutzer:Croaton|Croaton]] 20:28, 3. Feb. 2008 (CET)