
The Prisoner

306 Byte hinzugefügt, 17:50, 8. Aug. 2014
{{cquote|“But instead of encountering Eddie Dean later in his life, as you do in the novel, we zoom back to 1964 and meet him as a toddler, so while we are adapting the second novel, we’re also weaving together events in a new way that will surprise everyone who has already read the book. We’re ‘assembling the Avengers’ of the Dark Tower universe, but Robin Furth, Peter David, and Piotr Kowalski are doing so in a way that you’ve never imagined.”|||}}
Am 8. August 2014 veröffentlichte Stephen Kings eigene Webseite eine sieben Seiten starke Leseprobe aus dem ersten Heft<ref>[http://cdn.stephenking.com/dt-prisoner-excerpt-1.pdf DT-Prisoner Excerpt]</ref>. Die nachfolgenden Illustrationen sind nach der Reihenfolge ihres erstmaligen Erscheinens geordnet.