*[[Mile 81]] = "You can't come," his older brother said. ("Du kannst nicht kommen", sagte sein älterer Bruder.)
*[[The Little Green God of Agony]] = "I was in an accident," Newsome said. ("Ich hatte einen Unfall", sagte [[Andrew Newsome|Newsome]].)
*[[Man with a Belly]] = John Bracken sat on the park bench and waited to make his hit. (John Bracken saß auf der Parkbank und wartete darauf zuzuschlagen.)
*[[Morality]] = Chad knew something was up as soon as he walked in. ([[Chad Callahan|Chad]] wusste, dass etwas vorgefallen war, sobald er hereinkam.)
*[[Mostly Old Men]] = In 1000 turnpike rest areas, 1000 old men are walking 1000 dogs. (Auf 1000 Autobahnrastplätzen führen 1000 alte Männer 1000 Hunde aus.)