*[[Dr. Daggett|Daggett, Dr Was Peters vet for the first 10 years of his life. Sold the business to ]] = [[Tierarzt]] von [[Peter (Hund)|Peter]]; Vorgänger von [[Dr . Etheridge]]*[[Orval Davidson|Davidson, Orval Owner of bloodhounds ]] = besitzt Bluthunde in [[Unity]]Davies, Robertson Writer of the Deptford Trilogy. The first one was called "Fifth Business"*[[Smokey Dawson|Dawson, Smokey ]] = Cleaves Mills police dispatcher*[[Ann Delaney|Delaney, Ann Poet in the caravan that Jim Gardener was in]] = Dichter bei der ''[[New England Poetry Caravan]]''*[[Ezra Dockery|Dockery, Ezra Owned the field where ]] = besitzt das Feld, in das [[Peter Bailey crashed his plane]]s [[Flugzeug]] kracht*[[Butch Dugan|Dugan, Anthony F (. ''Monster or ''/''Butch) '']] = [[Polizist|State Police officer. Was the partner of Ralph Trooper]]; guter Freund von [[Ruth McCausland]]*[[Myrtle Duplissey|Duplissey, Myrtle Historian that was convinced that ]] = selbst ernannte Historikerin von [[Haven]]; glaubt [[Bradley Colson was the Illegitimate son of ]] wäre ein Sohn von [[Albion Cooder]]
Elderly, Bill Killed a deer