Hier ist ja noch nicht einmal eine Charakterliste angelegt! Alarmstufe rot! Ich sehe die nächste Großbaustelle ... Croaton 21:51, 17. Feb. 2011 (CET)

Bedien dich^^ WS 22:01, 17. Feb. 2011 (CET)
Wenn nur was da wäre zum Bedienen! Hier heißt es, von Null anfangen, seufz. Und dabei bin ich nicht einmal sonderlicher Fan des Romans. Was man nicht alles tut ... Croaton 22:55, 17. Feb. 2011 (CET)

Hier ist der Hauptteil der E-mail von CD bzgl. der aufgetauchten Seiten von AFTER THE PLAY! Falls noch Infos hinzugefügt/abgeändert werden sollen!

we have some AMAZING news to share. As you know, Stephen King has graciously allowed us to restore his long lost, 40 page prologue called “Before the Play” to the beginning of the book. It has never appeared in any edition of THE SHINING anywhere in the world and may never be reprinted again.

In the weeks since the book sold out, something even more incredible has happened. A collector named Jon Page contacted us because he had something very special in his collection: an earlier draft of the manuscript, when it was still called THE SHINE, which had been sent around to Hollywood production studios to sell the movie rights before the book was published.

This manuscript includes HUNDREDS of sentences, paragraphs, and even scenes not included in the final book we all know and love. Of particular interest is a four page section toward the end known as “After the Play,” which even Stephen King believed had been lost forever because he didn’t have a copy in his archives.

Thanks to Jon’s amazing discovery, and Steve’s generous permission, all of this Deleted Material will now be included as Bonus Section in our special edition of THE SHINING, which you already have on order. You do not need to do anything to confirm you are receiving this material, it will be in every copy of our edition.

Adding this material will take about two weeks of additional production time, but it means this version of the book will be as definitive as possible, which should make it an even bigger hit with collectors for years to come. A HUGE “thank you” goes out to Jon and Steve for making this addition to the book possible.

We’ll send another production update when we have news to share.

Thank you, as always, for your continuing support!--stoppoker 02:13, 8. Jun. 2016 (CEST)

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