

431 Byte entfernt, 12:20, 17. Apr. 2011
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As Roland’s spirit floats through todash space it is irresistibly drawn to End-World and the court of the Crimson King himself! There the young gunslinger comes face-to-face with the very embodiment of evil in its own domain[[Roland Deschain]] [[flitzen|flitz]] durch [[Endwelt]] und den Hof des [[Scharlachroten König]]s und begegnet der Ausgeburt des Bösen persönlich. And for the last of the line of Eld there may be no way out. Meanwhile, on Mid-World, [[Alain and Johns]] und [[Cuthbert desperately struggle to protect Roland’s unconscious formAllgood]] sind weiterhin damit beschäftigt, and themselves, against a pack of ravening wolves.Cardstock Cover/Parental Advisory…$3den bewusstlosen Leib Rolands vor hungrigen Wölfen zu schützen.99
;2 5
With Roland’s spirit still trapped [[Roland Deschain]]s Geist ist weiterhin in the court of the Crimson King, the dark ruler makes the young gunslinger a shocking offer[[Maerlyns Pampelmuse]] und dem Hof des [[Scharlachroten König]]s gefangen. Der König macht dem jungen [[Revolvermann]] ein schockierendes Angebot: In exchange for his lifeUm sein Leben zu retten, soll sich Roland must climb with the King to the top of the Tower where they will jointly claim the throne that overlooks all creation—and then utterly destroy it! Should Roland refuse, his life will be forfeit and the Crimson King will rule the coming Chaos alonemit dem dunklen König verbrüdern. The fate of creation rests in Roland’s hands in this concluding chapter Gemeinsam sollen sie das oberste Stockwerk betreten und über die Schöpfung zu herrschen. Das Schicksal aller Welten liegt in the sensational second arc enlarging on Stephen King’s magnum opusden Händen des Revolvermanns . You must not miss it!Cardstock Cover/Parental Advisory …$3.99©2008 Stephen King. All rights reserved