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Ein Byte hinzugefügt, 17:08, 25. Okt. 2015
keine Bearbeitungszusammenfassung
Wie auch in diversen Sachbüchern nachzulesen ist, ist nicht bekannt wie viele Dollarbabies tatsächlich in Umlauf sind. Eine vollständige Liste kann es nicht geben. In der unten stehenden Liste sind die bekanntesten Dollarbabies aufgeführt.
* # [[1982]] - [[The Boogeyman]]* # [[1983]] - [[The Woman in the Room]]* # [[1986]] - [[Disciples of the Crow]]* # 1986 - [[Srajenie]]* # [[1987]] - [[The Last Rung of the Ladder]]* # 1987 - [[The Lawnmower Man]]* # [[1999]] - [[Cains rose up]]* # 1999 - [[Llamadas ]]* # [[2001]] - [[Paranoid - A Chant]]* # 2001 - [[Strawberry Spring]]* # [[2002]] - [[Night Surf]]* # 2002 - [[Rainy Season]]*# [[2003]] - [[Here There Be Tygers]]* # 2003 - [[I Know what you need]]* # 2003 - [[Autopsy Room Four]]* # 2003 - [[The Man in the Black Suit]]* # [[2004]] - [[Luckey Quarter]]* # 2004 - [[All that you Love will ce carried away]]* # 2004 - [[The Road Virus Heads North]]* # 2004 - [[The Secret Transit Codes of America's Highways]]* # 2004 - [[The Gunslinger (Roland Meets the Dweller)]]* # 2004 - [[Lunch at the Gotham Café]]* # 2004 - [[El Sueño de Harvey]]* # 2004 - [[Minimum Overdrive]]* # 2004 - [[All that you Love]]* # [[2005]] - [[La Femme dans la Chambre]]* # 2005 - [[Servicio a Domicilio]]* # 2005 - [[SUPPR.]]* # 2005 - [[Suffer the little Children]]* # [[2006]] - [[Umneys Last Case]]* # 2006 - [[Le Croque Mitaine]]* # 2006 - [[Tijger]]* # 2006 - [[The Gunslinger]]* # 2006 - [[I am the Doorway]]* # 2006 - [[Suffer the little Children (The Bathroom Scene)]]* # 2006 - [[Popsy (Dollarbaby)|Popsy]]* # 2007 - [[Livraisons Matinales]]* # [[2009]] - [[My Pretty Pony (Dollarbaby)|My Pretty Pony]]* # [[2010]] - [[Survivor Type (Dollarbaby)|Survivor Type]] (in Planung)* # 2010 - [[In the Deathroom (Dollarbaby)|In the Deathroom]]* # 2010 - [[RestStop]]* # 2010 - [[Everything's Eventual (Dollarbaby)|Everything's Eventual]]* # ???? - [[Sun Dog]]* # 2011 - [[Willa]]* # [[2011]] - [[The Things They Left Behind (Dollarbaby)|The Things They Left Behind]]
