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The Song of Susannah: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Version vom 29. Dezember 2009, 23:05 Uhr

The Song of Susannah ist ein Lied, welches sich durch den gesamten sechsten Teil der Turm-Saga zieht. Nach jedem Teil des Romans - hier Strophe genannt - stehen acht Verse. Vier Verse des Vorsängers und vier des Chors als Antwort darauf. Die letzte Strophe ist allerdings anders. Zusammen singen Vorsänger und Chor die letzten vier Verse dieses Liedes.

Vorsänger: Commala-come-come

There's a young man with a gun
Young man lost his honey
When she took it on the run
Chor: Commala-come-come!
She took it on the run!
Lefter her baby lonely but
her baby ain't done.

Vorsänger: Commala-come-coo
The wind'll blow ya through.
Ya gotta go where Ka's wind blows ya
Cause there's nothin else to do
Chor: Commala-come-two!
Nothin else to do!
Gotta go where ka's wind blows ya
Cause there's nothing else to do

Vorsänger: Commala-come-key
Can ya tell me what ya see?
Is it ghosts or just the mirror
That makes ya want to flee?
Chor: Commala-come-three!
I beg ya, tell me!
Is it ghosts or just your darker self
That makes ya want to flee?

Vorsänger: Commola-come-ko
Whatcha doin at my do'?
If you doan tell me now, my friend
I'll lay ya on de flo'.
Chor: Commala-come fo'!
I can lay ya low!
The things i done to such as you
You never want to know.

Vorsänger: Commala-gin-jive
Ain't it grand to be alive?
To look out on Discordia
When the Demon Moon arrives.
Chor: Commala-come-five!
Even when the shadows rise!
To see the world and walk the world
Makes ya glad to be alive.

Vorsänger: Commala-mox-nix!
You're in a nasty fix!
To take the hand in a traitor's glove
Is to grasp a shef of sticks!
Chor: Commala-come-six!
Nothing there but thorns and sticks!
When you find your hand in a traitor's glove
You're in a nasty fix

Vorsänger: Commala-loaf-leaven!
They go to hell or up to heaven!
When the guns are shot and the fire's hot,
You got to poke em in the oven
Chor: Commala-come-seven!
Salt and yow' for leaven
Heat em up and knock em down
And poke em in the oven

Vorsänger: Commala-ka-kate
you're in the hands of fate.
no matter you're real or not
the hour groweth late.
Chor: Commala-come-eight!
The hour groweth late!
No matt what the shade ya cast
You're in the hands of fate.

Vorsänger: Commala-me-mine
You have to walk the line.
When you finally get the thing you need
It makes you feel so fine.
Chor: Commala-come-nine!
It makes ya feel fine!
But if you'd have the thing you need
You have to walk the line.

Vorsänger: Commala-come-ken
It's the other one again.
You may know her name and face
But that don't make her your friend
Chor: Commala-come-ten!
She is not your friend!
If you let her get too close
She'll cut you up again.

Vorsänger: Commala-come-call
We hail the one who made us all,
who made the men and made the maids,
Who made the great and small.
Chor: Commala-come-call!
He made the great and small!
And yet how great the hand of fate
That rules us one and all.

Vorsänger: Commala-come-ki.
There's a time to live and one to die.
With your back agasint the final wall
Ya gotta let the bullets fly.
Chor: Commala-come ki!
Let the bullets fly!
Don't 'ee mourn for me, my lads
When it comes my day to die.

Vorsänger: Commala-come-kass!
The child has come at last!
Sing your song, O sing it well,
The child has come to pass.
Chor: Commala-come-kass,
The worst has come to pass.
The Tower trembles on its ground;
The child has come at last


The Battle's Now Begun!
And all the foes of men and rose

Rise with the setting sun.